Logical Operations Function in Canvas App

In Canvas apps, logical operations are used to test conditions and evaluate whether they are true or false. These operations can be used to control the flow of a program and execute specific actions based on certain conditions.

Here are some of the logical operations that can be used in Canvas apps:

  1. And: Returns true if both conditions are true
  2. Or: Returns true if either condition is true
  3. Not: Returns true if the condition is false, and vice versa
  4. If: Returns one value if a condition is true, and another value if it is false
  5. Switch: Evaluates a series of conditions and returns a value based on the first condition that is true
  6. IsBlank: Returns true if a value is blank or empty
  7. IsEmpty: Returns true if a value is empty
  8. IsMatch: Returns true if a string matches a specified pattern
  9. IsNumeric: Returns true if a value is a number
  10. IsMatched: Returns true if a string matches a regular expression pattern
  11. AndN: Returns true if all conditions are true
  12. OrN: Returns true if at least one condition is true
  13. Coalesce: Returns the first non-blank value from a list of values

These logical operations can be combined with other functions, such as those for text manipulation, data manipulation, and math calculations, to create complex expressions that can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks in a Canvas app.



