Master Screen in Canvas App

A master screen in a canvas app is a screen that serves as a navigation hub for your app. It typically contains buttons, links, or icons that allow the user to navigate to other screens in the app. The master screen provides a consistent interface that the user can rely on as they move through the app.

To create a master screen in a Power Apps canvas app, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add a new screen: In Power Apps Studio, click on the “Screens” tab and select “New Screen.” Choose the type of screen you want to create (for example, a blank screen or a screen with a form) and give it a name like “Master.”  
  2. Add navigation controls: On the master screen, add the controls that you want to use for navigation. This could include buttons, links, or icons that represent the other screens in your app. You can customize the appearance of these controls by changing their size, color, font, and other properties.  
  3. Set up navigation: Once you have added the navigation controls, you need to set up the navigation logic. This involves creating a series of “Navigate” functions that tell the app which screen to go to when the user clicks on a control. For example, if you have a button that takes the user to the “Orders” screen, you would add a “Navigate(OrdersScreen)” function to the button’s “OnSelect” property.  
  4. Customize the header: The master screen often includes a header that appears at the top of the screen and displays the name of your app, a logo, or other information. You can customize the header by adding a label control and changing its properties to include the text or image you want to display.  
  5. Set as home screen: Finally, you need to set the master screen as the home screen for your app. To do this, click on the “App” tab and select “Properties.” In the “OnStart” property, add a “Navigate(MasterScreen)” function to ensure that the user is taken to the master screen when they open the app.  

Using a master screen in your canvas app can help make your app more user-friendly and intuitive, since it provides a consistent way for users to move between screens. Additionally, by including a logout button on the master screen, you can ensure that users can easily log out of the app when they are finished using it.



