Publish Application in Canvas App

Here are the steps to publish an application in Power Apps canvas app:

  1. Build and test your app: Before you can publish your app, you need to ensure that it is complete and has been thoroughly tested. This includes verifying that all data sources are connected and that all functions and formulas are working as expected.
  2. Prepare for publishing: To prepare your app for publishing, you need to set some properties, such as the app name and description, and choose a theme. You can also add an icon and splash screen to your app.
  3. Share your app: Once your app is ready, you can share it with other users. This can be done by sharing a link to the app, embedding it in a website, or sharing it with a group or organization.
  4. Publish your app: To publish your app, you need to create a package that includes all the app files and settings. You can do this by clicking the “Package” button in the Power Apps Studio and selecting the appropriate settings.
  5. Manage your app: After your app is published, you can manage it by monitoring its usage, updating its settings and configurations, and fixing any issues or errors that arise.


Let’s say you have built a simple expense tracking app in Power Apps canvas app, and you want to publish it so that your team members can use it to track their expenses. Here are the steps you would follow:

  1. Build and test your app: You have created a canvas app with several screens and forms that allow users to enter their expenses, including the expense type, amount, and date.
  2. Prepare for publishing: You have set the app name to “Expense Tracker” and added a description that explains how to use the app. You have also chosen a theme and added an icon and splash screen.
  3. Share your app: You have shared the app with your team by sending them a link to the app in Power Apps.
  4. Publish your app: To publish your app, you click the “Package” button in Power Apps Studio and select the appropriate settings, such as the target environment and version number. You then create the package and save it to your computer.
  5. Manage your app: After your app is published, you can monitor its usage by viewing analytics and user feedback. You can also update the app’s settings and configurations, such as adding new expense categories or modifying the user interface, and fix any errors or issues that arise.



