Error handling in Canvas App

Error handling in a canvas app refers to the process of detecting and responding to errors that may occur during the use of the app. Errors can occur for a variety of reasons, such as incorrect user input, missing data, network issues, or software bugs. Canvas apps provide several tools and techniques for handling errors, including:

  1. Validations: You can add validations to screens, controls, and data sources to ensure that user input is correct and complete. Validations can be used to check for required fields, data type mismatches, range limits, and other conditions. If a validation fails, the user is alerted and the error message is displayed.
  2. Error messages: You can display error messages to users when an error occurs. Error messages should be informative and clear, indicating what went wrong and how the user can fix the problem. You can display error messages using labels, notifications, pop-ups, or other UI elements.
  3. Try-Catch blocks: You can use Try-Catch blocks to handle exceptions and errors that may occur during app execution. A Try-Catch block consists of a try statement that encloses the code that may throw an exception, and a catch statement that handles the exception if it occurs. The catch statement can display an error message, log the error, or take other corrective actions.
  4. OnError property: You can set the OnError property of controls, data sources, or screens to specify how errors should be handled. The OnError property can be set to a formula that determines what action to take when an error occurs, such as navigating to another screen, displaying an error message, or resetting a form.
  5. Debugging: You can use the debugging tools in Power Apps to identify and diagnose errors in your app. The debugging tools allow you to step through your app code, set breakpoints, view variable values, and inspect error messages. Debugging can help you identify the root cause of errors and fix them quickly.

an example of error handling in a canvas app:

Let’s say you have a screen in your canvas app that allows users to input their personal information, such as name, address, and email. To ensure that users enter valid data, you have added several validations to the input controls. For example, the name field is required, the address field must be at least 5 characters long, and the email field must be a valid email address.

In addition to the validations, you also want to provide clear error messages to users if they enter incorrect or incomplete data. To do this, you can use the OnSelect property of the Submit button to create a formula that handles errors.

Here is an example of the formula:

IsEmpty(NameTextBox.Text) || Len(AddressTextBox.Text) < 5 || !IsMatch(EmailTextBox.Text, EmailFormat.Email),
Notify(“Please enter valid information in all fields.”, NotificationType.Error),

This formula checks whether the name field is empty, the address field is less than 5 characters, or the email field is not a valid email address. If any of these conditions are true, it displays an error message using the Notify function with an Error notification type. If all fields are valid, it navigates to the ConfirmationScreen.

By using this formula, you can provide clear error messages to users if they enter incorrect or incomplete data, which can help prevent errors and improve the user experience. Additionally, you can use other error handling techniques, such as Try-Catch blocks or debugging tools, to identify and fix errors in your app.

In general, error handling in canvas apps requires a combination of preventive measures, such as validations and data checks, and reactive measures, such as error messages and Try-Catch blocks. By using these techniques, you can create a more robust and reliable app that provides a better user experience.



