Category: Canvas App

  • Linking up Navigation on Screens in Canvas App

    In a Canvas app, we can link up navigation between screens to create a seamless user experience. Here are the steps to link up navigation on screens in a Canvas app: In addition to linking up navigation between screens, we can also customize the navigation experience by adding animations or transitions. For example, we can…

  • New Form Screen in Canvas App

    In a Canvas app, a New Form Screen is a type of screen that allows the user to create a new record in a data source. Here are the steps to create a New Form Screen in a Canvas app: When a user navigates to the New Form Screen, they will see a blank form…

  • Edit Form Screen in Canvas App

    In a Canvas app, an Edit Form Screen is a type of screen that allows the user to edit or update the details of a record from a data source. Here are the steps to create Edit Form Screen in a Canvas app: When a user selects the record they want to edit from a…

  • Detail Screen in Canvas App

    In a Canvas app, a Detail Screen is a type of screen that displays detailed information about a specific record or item from a data source. Here are the steps to create a Detail Screen in a Canvas app: When a user selects a record from a list or gallery on a previous screen, the…

  • Adding Search Box in Canvas App

    To add a search field in a Canvas App in Microsoft Power Apps, we can follow these steps: This will create a search field in your Canvas App that allows you to search for data in the specified data source based on the input entered in the search box.

  • Filter functions in Canvas App

    Filter functions in a Canvas app are used to filter records from a data source based on a specific condition or set of conditions. In a Canvas app, we can use various filter functions to manipulate data before displaying it to users. Here are some of the commonly used filter functions in a Canvas app:…

  • Record Variables in Canvas App

    Record variables are another type of variable in Canvas apps that allow us to store and manipulate data in a structured way. A record variable is essentially a container for related data fields, similar to a row in a database table or a record in a spreadsheet. To create a record variable in a Canvas…

  • Collection Variables in Canvas App

    Collection variables are another powerful feature in Canvas apps that allow us to store and manipulate data within app. Collection variables are essentially tables of data that can be created and modified by app. To create a collection variable in a Canvas app, we can follow these steps: Once you have created a collection variable,…

  • Context Variables in Canvas App

    Context variables are variables that store data that can be accessed and modified by different screens and components in app. When you create a context variable, we give it a name and a default value, which can be set to any data type such as text, numbers, or arrays. To create a context variable in…

  • Toggle Button in Canvas App

    A toggle button in a Canvas app is a graphical user interface (GUI) element that allows a user to switch a setting or state between two options, usually on and off. When the user clicks on the button, the state of the setting changes, and the button’s appearance may also change to indicate the new…